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President's Message  June 2016


Summer is by far my favorite season of the year.  I just love walking around the neighborhood with my dog, admiring all the beautiful flowers.  Its times like these that make me feel very thankful that I live in such a beautiful area of Canada.


Over the Winter and Fall, our ACMP chapter collaborated with other local associations to bring you interesting speakers and events.  In February, our friends from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) - Tracey Burns and Lily Seto, provided a demonstration on Coaching Leaders and Managers through Change. This was followed in March, by a combined event with the Certified Management Consultants (CMC) delivered by Dr. Dawn-Marie Turner – renowned author of Launch-Lead-Live, who provided insights on a Conversational Approach to Organizational Change.  In April, we held an event with Royal Roads to coincide with the on campus week for the students of the Certificate in Change Management.  For this event we were fortunate enough to hear our vice President Susan Rudman as well as Richard Batchelor, ACMP President Toronto, talk about Building Change Resiliency. April was also the month when the Agile, Innovation & Beyond (Transformational Project Management) conference was held in Seattle - presented by: Puget Sound PMI & Praxis, Inc. For those who were fortunate enough to attend the ACMP conference in Dallas in May, we are sure you have returned home inspired and energized and we look forward to connecting with you to share learnings and impressions.  For those who didn’t make it, we will, as last year, provide a webinar on highlights from the conference in the Fall.


Our collaboration with local associations continues as we plan for a local change conference to be held in Victoria in February 2017.  This event will be hosted by the ACMP, ICF, CMC, IPAC and HRMA.  Our theme for the conference is “Shaping Change Together.”  We will be sending out a call for speakers – so watch out for our emails.  If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please let us know.  We are also always looking for people to volunteer for our Chapter board and committees.  This is a great opportunity to learn how non profits work and to participate in planning our activities. 

We are in the process of planning speakers for the later part of the year.  Let us know if you have any specific topics in mind or any speakers you would like to hear.  Keep an eye on our website for announcements.


The ACMP Greater Victoria chapter will close down in July and August resuming again with an event at the end of September.   Till then, have a wonderful, relaxing and hot summer with your families and see you at the next event.


Evelyn Rutherford



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