Memberships and Volunteer Positions
Interested in joining?
Please visit the ACMP membership page to create either an individual or corporate membership. Fees include a membership in the local Chapter.
Be sure to do the extra step to select Victoria as your chapter! (On the ACMP Global website, hover on the “Chapters” tab, and select "join a chapter" from the drop down menu. Follow instructions displayed).
To gain access to additional materials, sign onto the Members only area of this website. Request access to this page by emailing us.
Renewing your membership?
Please log into the ACMP Global Renew page to retain access to all of the benefits an ACMP Membership provides you. Memberships need to be renewed on an annual basis.
Volunteer Opportunities
“Motivation comes from the heart. Ideas come from the brain. Achievement and success come from hard working hands.” (unknown author)
Please consider volunteering to help grow and expand our ACMP chapter. This is interesting work and a great way to contribute to the success of the Chapter, network within the community, learn about non-profit organizations – and gain an awesome sense of achievement! The only requirement is that you are an ACMP member.
These are the positions available right now:
1. Events committee chair and Events team members – organize events and speakers.
2. Communications committee team members – share knowledge, build excitement.
3. Membership and Registration committee team members – be the “people person” you are! Support existing members, recruit new members.
4. Logistics committee team members - help plan for our 2016 change conference.
5. Sponsorship committee team members – get to know “who’s who” in the community by meeting potential event and program sponsors for our 2016 change conference.
6. Marketing committee team member – promote Change Management by marketing the 2016 Change Conference.
7. Registration and funding committee team member - have a head for figures and attention to detail. Then this is the committee for you.
1. Events Committee
The Chair and Team is responsible to:
Develop an annual Event plan
Maintain an events calendar
Attend once a month board meetings
Organize speakers and interesting events
Work with communications committee to make sure registration is up and advertised on social media
Organize logistics for the event – room, meals, who does what etc.
Set up/tear down of events
Work with Treasurer to pay charities (in lieu of speaker payment)
Submit articles (e.g., describing and promoting events) for the Victoria Chapter newsletters
Develop and analyze event survey/feedback results
Log event stats for quarterly ACMP reports.
2. Communications Committee
As a team member you may be involved in one or many areas of communications such as:
Develop communications – emails, newsletters, brochures etc.
Maintain website (no html required)
Send out and monitor Eventbrite notifications of our events
Manage email distribution lists
Monitor our incoming emails
Manage our social media accounts
Develop surveys and analyze survey results
3. Membership Committee
As a team member you may be involved on one or more areas of membership, including:
Hold an annual membership drive to increase the Victoria Chapter membership
Recruit and retain new members for the Victoria Chapter
Contribute to plans to increase the Victoria Chapter membership
Submit quarterly written membership reports at least two weeks prior to the end of each quarter
Maintain an accurate roster of membership.
Update the membership brochure, with board approval, or create one if it does not already exist
Submit articles (e.g., promoting membership benefits and volunteer opportunities or a summary of committee activities) for the Victoria Chapter newsletters
Promote advantages of membership
Work with Event Committee & Communications team members to gather event attendance statistics
Analyze event attendance reports (member & non-members)
Log membership & attendance stats for board meetings & quarterly ACMP reports.
Keep the Treasurer informed of membership changes