Past News
February 2015
Join us on February 24th to listen to a Webinar by Charleen Tupper and Shelley Koorbatoff on Lessons from the Trenches: State of Oregon – Building Change Capability
Have a happy Valentine's Day everyone.

January 2015
Join us on January 21st to hear Jeff Holmes kick off 2015 with an engaging Change Leadership (Moneyball) presentation.
December 2014
Best wishes for a very happy festive season from all of us on the board and committees.
Check out our quarterly newsletter.

September 2014
AGM is underway this month as we replace the our founding Interim board with a new Board. Join us on September 30th to hear Tammy Dewar talk about Creative solutions to Workplace Challenges.

July 2014
Our ACMP Greater Victoria Chapter is now affiliated with ACMP Global. That means we are official!
Huge thanks go out to the interim board members that helped to make this happen and to each one of our ACMP members that joined the Greater Victoria Chapter. Without you we would not exist.
Join us on July 3rd, where we will provide Highlights and Insights from the ACMP 2014 Global Conference.

March 2014
Join us on March 25th to hear Sherry Campbell talk about Biopsychology of Change Adaptation.

October 2014
Join us for our inaugural Chapter Launch on October 17th.
November 2015
ACMP promotes Change Management to Financial Investors
On Thursday, November 26 Susan Rudman presented to Investors Group Financial Services Western Conference. The topic was Change Resiliency. Over 50 Financial Advisors turned out and participated in an interactive session to determine how resilient they are, and to learn how to embrace change without burning out. They completed a questionnaire and shared the results with their peers, often with much prodding and subsequent laughter! The Resiliency Quiz asks each participant to list 21 things they like to do. It’s difficult to list 21 things. 10, maybe. Not 21! You then need to identify how many “fun” things you do every week. Not too many for most of us. Then, you need to identify how many of those 21 “fun” things you need to plan for – testing your willingness to be spontaneous. You also have to identify how many cost over $10 – to see if you can have fun without spending a lot of cash. Interesting results from a bunch of financial advisors on that one! Finally you have to identify which of the 21 you do alone – to determine if you have balance in your life. The attendees realized they were working too hard, not too resilient and needed more “fun” in their lives. Many of the attendees committed to keeping their “fun list” next to their computer to remind them to resist burnout, be more resilient by balancing work and fun. The Investors Group Financial Services graciously donated $100 to our ACMP Chapter.